Michael David Murphy

recent projects
2024 - Golf Is (now available on Amazon) 🏌🏻
2022 - W. S. Merwin's poem, Berryman, a subtitle supercut
2020 - Gertrude Stein's poem, If I Told Him, A Completed Portrait of Picasso, a coronavirus task-force supercut
2020 - 7-hour long durational reading of Mishka Henner's text, Photography Is

2022 - LIV Golf - In Their Own Words
2022 - Three brief close-caption experiments
2019 - Tiger Woods Quad Supercut
2012 - And When He Goes, We Wonder
2012 - I think I originated "every shot" highlights/supercuts of golf tournaments, starting with this, in 2012 [playlist]

2018 - Same Day, a photographic performance for right now
2018 - Orgy / Corruption, a GIF transcription
2016 - My Still Life With Andre, imagining how water glasses might record a dinner conversation
2011 - Netflix Concrete, in three, enveloped episodes: 1, 2, 3
2010 - Barthes by Barthes by Bart

2014 - Success Story, an alternarrative
2014 - Going (to), a collaboration
2014 - Tuning '77, an audio supercut in Rolling Stone
2012 - Painters Panting
2011 - Waiting Game

Unphotographable - a catalog of exceptional mistakes
We Are the 15 Percent - a crowd-sourced collection of portraits of American interracial families and marriages

contact & subscribe
contact - mdm at michael david murphy dot com
subscribe or follow - on telegram 💥, youtube, or github
updated: 20240331 - 6:09 PM EST